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Research paper

Since there are many things to fill out on the N-400, a mistake might be inevitable. Depending on the seriousness of the mistake, the individual's application may be declined. There are also different reasons why one’s application may be declined, such as an individual's criminal history which can temporarily or permanently ban an individual from becoming a U.S citizen, failure to meet continuous residence and physical presence requirements which means traveling too much or for more than 6 months, failure to meet financial obligations such as taxes or debt, and fraud or lying to USCIS (Citizenship Path, 2019). With so many fees and so much paperwork, many immigrants might be discouraged from taking the exam at all, because everything must be done perfectly without major errors. The American Place provides support for individuals who need help. They help the individual throughout the N-400, and provide people with the information they need so that their application is not declined.

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